Browse Items (38 total)

kevin F art.jpg
Art by Kevin Ford

wavy brick house 2.jpg
John Sporfforth's brick construction

Lattitude logitude of Athens tat.jpg
The GPS coordinates for Athens Tattooed on a woman's back.

tad art 1.jpg
Art by Thaddeus Semsel

VW buried on 550.jpg
You know you're in Athens when you see this, driving on route 550

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Biester art cross.jpg
Art by Chris Biester

athens summer bored game.jpg
A game to play during a long, boring Athens' summer.

Athens motorcycle club.jpg
Jacket with Athens Motorcycle Club

book lady fan club 80's jehovaq witness.jpg
humorous art for a fan club for an Athens character, the Book lady, a Jehovah Witness.

bob beyond dada.jpg
A bit of guerrilla art in answer to Brother Jed the abusive street preacher.
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