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Appalachian Death Ride at Studio A Rama in Cleveland, OH. Digital transfer by Jonathan Milosavljevic.

WRUW-FM 91.1 & Case Western Reserve University.

Band: Chris Beister - guitar, Chris Dillon - drums, Pat Brown - bass.

If you have any…

Pete Borchard old poster athens..jpg

Old Poster Lighthouse.jpg

Aquabear County Fair.jpg
Lowell Jacobs,Dan Price,Todd Jacops,Andrew Lampela. EQ set up on Union bar table.

Lowell Aquabear County Fair.jpg
Lowell Jacobs.Brain Kosho facing away,Todd Jacops seated. Notice the "Merch Table."

Aquabear Legion 2013.png
Meme for the Aquabear County Fair 2013
Chris Biester performs at Haffa's Records during the 8th annual Aquabear County Fair in Athens, Ohio.
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